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  Sancity of Life  

Newborn Baby


  Human Design & Sexuality  

Bride & Groom
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 Family First believes the right to life is inalienable, fundamental, and preeminent to all other rights

  • Protecting Vulnerable Life-  Public policy should protect human life at its most vulnerable point, including those who are in the womb and those nearing the end of life.

  • Allies with Life-Saving Ministries - It is important to stand as allies with organizations that support women faced with unplanned pregnancies should be encouraged and rewarded.

  • Encourage Adoption - Adoption is an incredibly wonderful, life-affirming yet difficult journey. Laws should not impede adoption but should encourage, promote and strengthen adoption programs.


 Family First believes the right to life is inalienable, fundamental, and preeminent to all other rights

  • Strengthening Marriage -laws need to be tightened to discourage divorce and encourage marriage counseling to protect the best interest of children.

  • Oppose ideology and laws that make Sexual Behavior a Protected Class - Every year there are efforts in Missouri and across the United States to add (S.O.G.I) sexual orientation/gender identity to the list of protected classes in non-discrimination laws. This is not only unnecessary, as no evidence of discrimination exists, but is insulting and has potentially negative ramifications on religious liberty.


Family First opposes ideology that seeks to destroy or harm God’s design for a person and for mankind.

Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God as part of His divine design. Each person’s sex is either male or female, and their ethnic origin beautifully expresses them as God intended. Family First opposes ideology that seeks to destroy or harm God’s design for a person and for mankind. We support principles and policies that lead instead to human flourishing and oppose any that sow division among people and ethnicities.

  • Fight the false ideology of “transgenderism” in our schools and workplace - “Transgenderism” seeks to answer the problem of gender dysphoria by affirming a person’s gender confusion, but this causes more harm than good. 

  • Supporting conscience clauses for religious adoption agencies and therapists - We need to protect conscience protections for therapists helping adults and children through their gender dysphoria. 

  • Combating Critical Race Theory in our public schools -At its heart, CRT is a philosophy that views the problem of racism as a power struggle between collective groups of people and societal systems. CRT assumes the worst and judges others on the basis of color and not the content of their character. CRT is the opposite of Christ’s redemptive message and instead seeks to destroy society by pitting human beings against one another on the basis of color. Family First believes in an accurate history and a present and future that promotes unity and forgiveness.

















Family First believes parents should be involved in educational, lifestyle and healthcare choices

that impact their children.  

Parents are ultimately responsible for the care and well-being of their children. And for decades, research in the field of social sciences has revealed that, generally, children flourish more and are safer and happier within a traditional nuclear family with a mom and a dad.

  • Supporting School Choice and Education Freedom - Many parents want the option of a school other than the one to which they are assigned based upon their zip code. With the threat of dangerous philosophies and ideologies being taught to children, the demand for education freedom will continue to grow. 

  • Supporting Parental Involvement - Whether the issue is abortion, sex education, curriculum, or discipline issues, we believe that parents should be informed and involved in decisions regarding their children.

  • Supporting Home School Community Home school families need to be protected and supported.

















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